In fiction, there will always be those characters who are sly and cunning, and even though most of them*are actually good guys, you can’t help but think they are up to something nasty. For this week’s Charapedia anime poll, the Japanese anime character database has ranked these sly anime characters, who might turn out to be villains themselves.
The poll got 10,000 votes, 45.1% of which are male while 54.9% are female. Though there are hundreds of entries, the poll only showed the Top 20, and they are:
20) Momo Deviluke (To Love-Ru)
19) Komachi Hikigaya (My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU)
18) Kyuubey (Madoka Magica)
17) Ami Kawashima (Toradora)
16) Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler)
15) Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion)
14) Charlotte Dunois (IS: Infinite Stratos)
13) Nagisa Hazuki (Free!)
12) Shiroe (Log Horizon)
11)**Chinatsu Yoshikawa (Yuru Yuri)
10) Ume Kurumizawa (Kimi ni Todoke)

9) Silica (Sword Art Online)

8) Light Yagami (Death Note)

7) Nico Yazawa (Love Live!)

6) Makoto Hanamiya (Kuroko’s Basketball)

5) Shouichi Imayoshi*(Kuroko’s Basketball)

4) Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!)

3) Nadeko Sengoku (Monogatari series)

2) Iroha Isshiki (My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU)

1) Sougo Okita (Gintama)

Now there you have it, Charapedia’s Top 10 sly and villainous anime characters, which certainly got a few surprises in. #1 ranked Sougo Okita however is absolutely no surprise at all as he seems to always be plotting something, and most of the time, what he’s plotting ain’t very nice.#2 ranked Iroha may seem like a cheeky girl at first, but she is definitely up to something, and #3 ranked Nadeko has already proven that she’s not the nice girl you always thought she is.#4 ranked Izaya meanwhile really deserves to be in the list as his plans have made the life of a certain Shizuo Heiwajima a whole lot more complicated.The results also featured a few surprises, with the biggest one being SAO’s Silica, who many fans have attributed to be a lot more conniving than what she is being presented in the anime.
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